Our Curriculum
“Leaders and teachers work intently to provide an outstanding curriculum.”
At Old Earth School, we have strong, meaningful relationships with our children, their families and the community.
Our curriculum aims to provide all pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to live well-rounded lives during their Primary School years and beyond. We are a fully inclusive learning community and we recognise everyone as a unique individual and celebrate these differences. We all understand the purpose and value of learning and see its relevance to our past, present and future.
We have a unique and special approach to the curriculum which meets the needs of all our children.
How do we approach the Old Earth curriculum?
We believe that all children deserve an education rich in memorable experiences that allows children’s natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.
The 7 areas of learning and development are implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mixture of adult-led and child-initiated opportunities, providing the children with the ‘awe and wonder’ so that they engage wholly in the learning.
Play is essential for our children’s development at Old Earth, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about and solve problems, and relate to others.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the prime areas of learning, especially within our two nurseries. Great emphasis is placed on these areas so that children acquire the skills, knowledge, self-regulation, and positive attitudes within the setting and beyond.
Our curriculum is planned and implemented using a cross curricular topic approach through books. We include as many ‘real life’ opportunities as possible and where we can, we provide hands on, experiential learning. Child initiated learning is high on our agenda and we respond to the children’s interests where possible.
From the moment children enter the EYFS at Old Earth they are exposed to invigorating and exciting learning environments and experiences, whether they are 2, 3, 4 or 5 years old! As a team we strive to provide the children with secure foundations, so that they continue to enjoy lifelong learning at Old Earth and beyond!
In Key Stages 1 and 2 our eight-strand curriculum compromises of four Core Strands of learning, which are Communication, Language and Literacy; Mathematics; Science and Computing and four Non-Core Strands which are ‘Creative Development’ Expressive Art and Design; Physical Development; Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
The subjects from National Curriculum 2014 fit within these broader categories. Our curriculum is designed so that our children know more and can do more with a clear progression of knowledge and skills. Where appropriate, logical links are made across subjects and the explicit teaching of vocabulary features across all curriculum areas. Teachers plan and teach subjects as ‘Learning projects’ which may span several strands. Some subjects may be taught discretely at various points in the curriculum. PSHE and SMSC opportunities thread through our entire curriculum and help our children to understand themselves as life-long learners.
Our Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculum principles.
Based on the development of knowledge and skills and the deep understanding of the concepts, the big ideas, within the National Curriculum that enable children to make sense of what they have learnt and what they are learning.
Quality texts used to form part of the ‘learning project’.
Compromises both of ‘learning projects’ and discrete units, as appropriate.
Reading and writing is developed in all strands and there is a strong emphasis on children developing a strong vocabulary.
Mathematical fluency is developed in as many strands as possible.
Visits, residentials, visitors, use of the school grounds and the local area are fundamental aspects of our curriculum.
Learning projects are not constrained by the timetabled school day or the school holiday pattern .
Learning projects have a tangible outcome and teachers and pupils agree on how they will express their learning to others.
The content of the curriculum can be accessed by all children.
The requirements of the ‘Old Earth Non-negotiables’ are met.
Is broad and balanced, incorporating pupil voice to give time for child-initiated learning projects wherever possible.
Is inspiring and fun, incorporating challenge in all subjects at all levels.
Opportunities for SMSC Learning and PSE development thread throughout.
In addition, to broaden our curriculum even further, we aim to include ‘Enterprise’ at an age-appropriate level for all children. We believe that this will help our children to learn many valuable life-skills in the process.
What will my child learn this year?
An overview of what each year group will learn about throughout the school year.
Explore our subjects in detail
Learning doesn’t stop at school.
Visit our Hub for ideas and resources to support your child’s learning at home.