

Science is a way to understand our world by carefully thinking about it and testing our guesses with observations and experiments.

At Old Earth School, we aspire for all pupils to build their confidence and skills in science. It is our intention to develop every child’s curiosity and scientific knowledge and understanding. This will be achieved through cross curricular or specific science lessons which will have opportunities for practical investigations both within the classroom and local environment.

  • At Old Earth, we encourage children to be inquisitive throughout their time at the school and beyond. The science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in children about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes.

    Throughout the programmes of study, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills. We ensure that the working scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently and continue to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.

  • Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in science.

    Planning for investigative science/experimental science and ‘fair testing’ is imbedded and evident when monitoring planning and lessons throughout school. Planning involves teachers creating engaging lessons, often involving high-quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge. Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual knowledge and skills, and assess pupils regularly to identify those children with gaps in learning, so that all pupils keep up.

    We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in science lessons incorporating THE BIG FOUR. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and be given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers. This curiosity is celebrated within the classroom, ensuring all children are given high quality feedback, to forward the children’s learning and understanding. We build upon the knowledge and skill development of the previous years. As the children’s knowledge and understanding increases, and they become more proficient in selecting, using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results, they become increasingly confident in their growing ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence.

    Working scientifically: skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the children’s school career and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching. This is developed through the years, in-keeping with the topics.

  • Let's talk about science!

    “I liked it when we pretended to be solids. I was really squashed because I was in the middle and everybody linked really tightly to keep our shape.”

  • Let's talk about science!

    “It was exciting when my carnation turned blue because in absorbed the liquid.”

  • Let's talk about science!

    “I loved the trip to Seahouses especially seeing all the birds on The Farne Islands. There were so many of them it’s amazing they could all fit on the cliffs.”

  • Let's talk about science!

    “When we exercise we get energy and that makes our heart beat faster.”



