Our History
Old Earth School from 1972 to now
Back in the 1960s there were three junior schools in Elland: the Church of England School in Westgate, South End School where the B&M store now stands in Elland town centre and Cross Lane Infants School. Children from the Springfield Road estate and the newly built houses in Lodge Drive had to make their way to Elland and back, and increased traffic on Huddersfield Road presented dangers. Discussions therefore began as to whether and where to build a nearer school. In March 1971 work started on the site at Lower Edge Road. On opening the school had seven members of staff and two hundred and three children in seven classrooms, a hall and a caretaker’s bungalow where the present “Little Earth” nursery is located. In 2011 Old Earth School became an academy. Today it has 15 classes, a Nursery for three year olds and a two year old provision. The school has the capacity to cater for 500 children.
The school’s history can be traced back by looking at the three long serving Headteachers who have led the school over the last 50 years.
The first day ever at Old Earth School.
Cyril Hood (1972 to 1982)
Old Earth opened in 1972. Cyril Hood was the first Headmaster, having previously been Head of three West Riding schools before his appointment.
He aimed to create an interactive, secure and dynamic community where teachers, pupils and ancillary staff worked happily together, united in respect for each other and love for their school.
He believed in firm leadership, in being a visible and approachable presence who knew his pupils and in making every individual within the walls of the school feel wanted and welcome.
He strongly believed wisdom to be far more than the mastery set of skills and that it was a school’s duty to inspire and release the creative energy inherent in every child, by encouraging curiosity, open thinking and laughter: to provide each child in its care with a warm and trusting environment in which they could develop the freedom, courage and self-discipline to be themselves.
Paul Roberts (1982 to 2005)
Harvest Gift, 1986
Paul was appointed Headmaster on the retirement of Mr Hood in 1982. He had a commanding, but gentle presence. Being a large man, people looked up to him in many different ways. He always had a dead pan expression, not giving away his thoughts – but always had a twinkle in his eyes.
Under Paul, the school expanded, so did the curriculum – ‘The Magic Dust’ he sprinkled on the children’s learning was his hallmark.
Old Earth’s reputation grew through the recruitment of experienced and committed staff and his leadership. These were recognised in the school’s OFSTED reports. Paul was always very proud of his school and he loved showing visitors around. On entering each classroom, his opening remark was always “this is my favourite class”… for indeed, they were all his favourite class!
Tragically Paul died after a short illness in 2005. The measure of the man was seen at his funeral, the Halifax Minster was full. Paul was a wonderful Headteacher, much loved colleague and a loyal friend.
The words inscribed on the bench in his beautiful memorial garden “a much loved man” say it all. The school continues to remember Paul annually where the ‘Paul Roberts Award’ is the main award made to children who have made an outstanding contribution to the school during their time at Old Earth.
Rotary Choir performance, 2009
Paul Reynolds (2005 to 2020)
Following the death of his good friend and mentor, previous Headteacher Mr Paul Roberts, Paul Reynolds returned to Old Earth, a school where he had previously worked as a teacher. It had been a difficult period for the whole school community having lost such an inspirational leader so suddenly but Paul’s love and commitment to the school shone through immediately.
In his early years as a young teacher, his sense of fun and obvious enjoyment in teaching was evident, and learning what “Old Earth” was all about, from the foundations laid by Cyril Hood and Paul Roberts and being influenced by the “Magic Dust”.
It is fair to say that as a young teacher, Old Earth was the making of him and on leaving Old Earth he enjoyed successful spells as a Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher at two other local schools. On his return, as the Head teacher, he was the making of Old Earth. Under his leadership the school went from strength to strength - to being OUTSTANDING by always having the philosophy that learning can be fun and enjoyable.
During his tenure the school became one of the first Calderdale schools to become an Academy in 2011. He worked closely with the whole community to successfully expand the school to develop the early years provision and wrap around and holiday care to support families. Little Earth, Middle Earth and Big Earth were all born during his time. The school became a 2 form-entry school and the facilities were developed to an exceptionally high standard. This included an all weather sports pitch, running track and a fleet of mini-buses to support ‘real-life curriculum experiences’ off site for all the children.
He was seen by generations of children, parents and the staff in many different guises - as a handyman putting solar panels on the roof to save money - as a 10 year old enjoying the many different activities on school residential trips – as a supreme professional in his dealings with the Governors – and many more as a friend.
He made an outstanding contribution to the ethos, the life and community of the school, and especially to the children. They will forever remember the response to his favourite question “Why do we smile?” Quite simply, “It’s the law!”
It is not all about the Headteachers
Old Earth has been fortunate to have many long serving staff members who have helped to develop the school into the outstanding place that it is today. These people are remembered with great fondness by the children and families they worked with and we remember them every year by presenting our annual awards to children who have achieved great things.
Our awards are named in their honour and include;
The Anne Slazchic sports award, The Helen Langley drama award, The Hilary Hargreaves music award, The Jan Day maths award, The Julie Heneghan gymnastics award, The Karen Plant progress award, The Mr Hood manners award, The Margaret McVey reading award, The Linda Large music award, The Paul Reynolds positivity award, The Ros Rogerson art award, The Tim Freeman computing award and the Paul Roberts award.