Music forms one element of the creative development curriculum. It is the heartbeat of the school. Old Earth pupils enjoy music lessons in class and with our own music specialist in school. In addition to this, it brings unity to our school community in performance and nurtures our emotional well-being.
Music is taught throughout the whole school from Little Earth to Y6 by our Music Specialist and class teachers. The music sessions consist of objectives outlined in the Charanga Scheme of Work. All musical genres are being taught in depth throughout school. We are tailoring our Charangra Scheme of Work with the Music Specialist to fit the needs of our children. Each year group has a weekly music session in class; this consists of musical theory, performance, notation, listening and analysing pieces of music and singing.
Key Stages have weekly singing sessions, covering Hymns, thinking songs and songs from around the world. Years 3 and 4 will take part in termly recorder instrumental lessons, working on musicianship and performance. There are two choirs (KS1-Acorns, KS2 – Oaks) There are musical performances within each Key Stage (FS, KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2). Instrumental offers have been offered. We are equipped for extra-curricular instrumental lessons including voice, recorder and flute. We have also recently introduced an afterschool KS2 boys pop choir.
Choirs take part in a variety of different occasions in both the school and wider community. Choir have won several competitions including Calderdale School’s Choir of the Year, the Janet Beaumont Trophy at Huddersfield Grammar. The choir is taught to sing in up to three different parts. Our Music specialist has composed a setting for the Lord’s Prayer to aid in the learning and reciting of it. A very spiritual version. In addition to this, Old Earth in My Heart is a legacy to the involvement of a local musician visiting school.
There are many Cross-Curricular links including Victorian Music Hall songs, Tea Dance for Year 6 parents, Remembrance Day, Diwali dance and music etc. There are musical performances within each Key Stage (FS, KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2. Remote Learning in music came from lessons published by the Music Specialist, alongside sites such as Oaks Academy.